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Rehoming and Adoption

We quite often have animals that need rehoming. These are a few examples.  Due to the speed of social media the animals can get rehomed quite quickly.  Please contact us if you wish to see if any of these animals are still waiting for new homes. Tel 07765345441

We are currently looking for new permanent homes for several rescued, mixed breed cockerels. The first bird pictured is a mature adult who's age we are unsure of. He is a large bantam, being slightly smaller than the standard birds. The other two are young birds that are still maturing. The white bird is a standard sized, lightly built, game type breed while the other is a large, heavy breed. The cockerels can all go to their new homes along with a few hens if required.

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Several snakes up for rehoming at the moment. We have a young hybrid Corn Snake x Rat Snake with us, just under 2 years old. Is healthy and active. Being a hybrid the temperament and adult size could be different to a normal Corn Snake so this should be kept in mind.

Also up for rehoming are 3 Corn Snakes.These are not at our site but living with a friend. One normal coloured female of unknown age, one normal suspected female around 6 years old, and an Anerythristic suspected female,also around 6. All are healthy, though the Anery has several fatty lumps down her body. These are not uncommon in Corn Snakes and in this case have always been there and never caused any problems.

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