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When a sick, injured or orphaned wild animal is encountered it is important to approach the situation carefully. Following these few simple steps means the animal can receive treatment as soon as possible, and can often mean the difference between life and death.

Animal First Aid Information

Step One: Contain it

Distressed wildlife will attempt to escape or hide and can often disappear before help can arrive. If possible, get the animal into a secure box, if not, block any escape routes and watch it from a distance until it is collected. Most mammals can inflict a nasty bite or kick (Deer) in defence and some birds such as Herons, Raptors, large seabirds and Swans can also be potentially dangerous to handle, so we recommend that inexperienced people do not attempt to touch these species. Exotic snakes, invertebrates etc should also not be touched if there is any doubt as to their identification.

Step Two: Keep it Calm

The animal will more than likely be suffering shock, and handling, or even the sight or sound of people close by can often stress a wild animal more than the original accident, so keep it somewhere warm, dark and quiet, and avoid all unnecessary disturbances. Food and water are unlikely to be touched at this point, and will only make the animal wet and messy, so are best left out.

Step Three: Phone us!

More specific advice can be given once we know the situation and we can arrange the appropriate treatment. This is far more successful if started as soon as possible, so please do not hold onto the animal any longer than necessary. Often the wrong diet, wrong housing or leaving injuries unnoticed can cause more damage than the original problem. Ring Now 07765345441

Cat Bites

Any wild animal that has been in contact with a cat, even if no injuries are evident, must be brought in for treatment. Cat saliva carries bacteria which will cause fatal septicaemia if left.

Fledgling Birds

Despite popular belief, healthy baby birds are not easily caught, even when newly fledged, so if they can be simply picked up there is probably something wrong. If in doubt, phone us, they can always be returned to their parents later if healthy. It is also a myth that birds will pick up your scent and abandon their young. While some mammals will do this, most birds have a very poor sense of smell and, in any case, will still return to their offspring even if they see you handling them.

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